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关于”班级野炊活动的通知“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Notice of class picnic。以下是关于班级野炊活动的通知的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Notice of class picnic

Last week, I was very happy, because our class planned to have this activity. We all felt very excited. We decided to have a picnic in the park.

We played some games. The people who lost the game were punished with some interesting punishments. When I was punished, I was asked to ask strangers to give me my mobile phone number.

I felt very embarrassed, but I conquered my fear and completed the task. We laughed very much Happy, we did a lot of things we didn't dare to do, and then we took a lot of photos and recorded an unforgettable moment. I hope we can have more classroom activities, this is a good time to promote communication.




2:,Please note that a picnic will be held in Beihai Park this Sunday morning. We will go to the park by bus in the morning, so don't be late. We will enjoy some programs provided by students in the morning and afternoon, and we will play some games to enjoy our fun.

Everyone is asked to provide a dish or dessert for others at the same time. Don't forget to bring your camera, raincoat, sun hat, flashlight, etc. thank you for your cooperation.





3:班级野炊活动的通知,I am now in middle school. This is my second year. I have to learn so many courses from Monday to Friday.

When it comes to classroom activities, I will be very excited. Participating in activity class activities can make me away from heavy study. I can breathe fresh air.

It also provides a good opportunity for students to communicate with each other and establish a deep relationship What a pleasant atmosphere it is. That's why I like class activities so much. I hope we can have more opportunities to hold activities.

We should not only pay attention to study.




标签: 中考 作文 通知 满分 班级

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