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关于”我理想的老师“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My ideal teacher。以下是关于我理想的老师的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My ideal teacher

My ideal is to be a teacher. I want to be a teacher when I grow up. Why do I really like this job? If I am a teacher, I will try my best to teach my students first.

I will let my students relax. I will not let them do too much homework. I will try my best to make them happy in their study.

I will encourage my students to have their own ideas and I will give them Enough time for them to believe that I will become a famous teacher and my students will love me.




2:,Do you have a teacher, you can say yes, everyone has his teacher, you have, he has, in my mind, I will never forget Hermione English teacher. There are many teachers in our school, some are old, some are young, one of whom I especially like and respect is Miss Wu. Her young woman seems to know everything, she teaches very well, she is tall No, but she has two big eyes.

Her voice sounds beautiful. She speaks English very well. She is very humorous.

She always teaches us in an interesting way. Sometimes she plays with us. She likes singing and collecting letters.

She is good at playing the piano. She always sits in front of the piano and plays music well. She is good at dancing.

Sometimes she teaches us dancing. She likes dogs very much because dogs are friendly Lovely, her favorite color is blue, because blue is the color of sky and ocean. This is my favorite teacher.

Our classmates like her very much. I forgot to tell you that she teaches in Yiyuan middle school.


你有没有一个老师,你可以说是的,每个人都有他的老师,你有,他有,在我心目中我永远不会忘记赫米第一英语老师我们学校有很多老师,有些是老的,有些是年轻的,其中有一个我特别喜欢和尊敬的就是吴老师,她的年轻女子似乎无所不知,她教得很好她个子不高,但她有两个大眼睛她的声音听起来很美,英语说得很好她很幽默,她总是以一种有趣的方式教我们有时她和我们一起玩她非常善良她喜欢唱歌和收集信件她擅长弹钢琴晚上她总是坐在钢琴前弹好音乐她也擅长跳舞有时她教我们跳舞她非常喜欢狗因为狗很友好可爱她最喜欢的颜色是蓝色因为蓝色是天空和海洋的颜色这是我最喜欢的老师我们的同学都很喜欢她哦我忘了告诉你她在沂源中学教书:Hermyrespetshe Mis。


3:我理想的老师,(I want to be an English teacher) I want to be an English teacher in the future, because I can help students learn English. This dream starts from one day in summer. It's very hot.

All the students drink juice in the classroom. The English teacher doesn't drink much. She has been teaching us English.

I think the English teacher is great, so I want to be a great English teacher. I have to be a great English teacher I hope to be an English teacher.




标签: 高分 作文 专业 理想 老师

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