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关于”旅行中的趣事“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Fun in travel。以下是关于旅行中的趣事的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Fun in travel

The joy of life comes from having good emotions, trusting them, and giving them bird like freedom in an open environment. Happiness in life can never be disguised as a gesture, nor can it be masked from the outside. People who have this happiness don't have to talk about it.

They just send out their happiness and let it shine sunlight on other life, just like nature. Birds sing: we can never get it from work. It's like happiness to those who pursue higher goals.

It's a byproduct of great and simple life, and the joy of life comes from what we put into life, not what we get from it.





Games are an important part of life. Some people used to think that the purpose of life is to play. Most Americans play during the holidays.

More and more people begin to believe that games are the lubricant of life. When you open the newspaper, you will see a lot of news about movies, concerts, art exhibitions, TV programs and various sports activities. Indeed, if you go out, you will see people On weekends, go to the park for a picnic or take your children to the zoo.

Life is a game.




The joy of life comes from having good emotions, believing in them, and giving them bird like freedom in an open environment. Happiness in life can never be disguised as a pose or put on a mask from the outside. People who have this happiness don't need to talk about it.

They radiate its light and let it shine its sunlight on other life like nature. A bird is singing. We can never get it directly from our work.

For those who pursue higher goals, it is like happiness. It's a by-product of simple living. The joy of life comes from our devotion to life, not from what we get from it.





标签: 初中 作文 万能 趣事 旅行

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