In China, many people think that some numbers can bring good luck, while some numbers are often related to misfortune. For example, in China, numbers usually mean success, numbers mean wealth, numbers mean perfection, and numbers like this usually mean death, because their pronunciation is similar to the Chinese character "thinking". Superstitious people will try not to choose telephone numbers, license plate numbers or And people don't usually get married on the fourth day.
People believe these numbers are magical and can bring them good or bad luck. I don't think these so-called lucky numbers can bring good luck to people. They just represent numbers.
They are just random symbols used to communicate the numbers created by our ancestors for counting, not for luck. People believe that numbers can bring good luck just because the pronunciation of eight is almost the same as the French pronunciation in Cantonese. The ironic part is that people who choose numbers intentionally do not always make money Big money, and those who have numbers in their phone numbers or license plate numbers don't make a fuss.
Shakespeare said that if we call a rose by another name, it will also smell sweet, which means that there is no connection between sound and meaning, so it is useless to believe that numbers have something to do with Luke. In short, we should believe in our personal ability, not the so-called lucky number, as the saying goes, man proposes, God disposes.
Lucky numbers are becoming more and more popular in the daily life of modern society. For example, the number 8 is people's favorite large number. Although the number 4 means death, some people believe in the lucky number so much that they can afford a phone without 4, while others think that lucky number can really bring good luck.
Moreover, at least, there is no evidence to prove that they do not have this relationship in my opinion, because the number itself Given a certain meaning for the application of mathematics, in addition, people should not rely on luck, in their mind, the number given to them.
Lucky numbers are becoming more and more popular in the daily life of modern society. For example, the number 8 is people's favorite large number. Although the number 4 means death, some people believe in the lucky number so much that they can afford a phone without 4, while others think that lucky number can really bring good luck.
Moreover, at least, there is no evidence to prove that they do not have this relationship in my opinion, because the number itself Given a certain meaning for the application of mathematics, in addition, people should not rely on luck, in their mind, the number given to them.
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