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关于”一篇对问路“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:A question of the way。以下是关于一篇对问路的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A question of the way

Last night, my mother and I went out for a walk and met a foreigner on the way. He asked us the way to the hot spring hotel. I told him to go down the road to the third corner and turn left so he wouldn't miss it.

He said, "thank you for your help. It's very kind of you." I'm glad I can do him a favor, too.





2:路途问题,Mark: Excuse me, sir. I'm new here. Where is the cinema? Police: Oh, it's to the east of the bookstore mark: how can I get there police: you can take a bus mark: which bus can I take? Police: can I go by bike? Police: of course, not far.

Mark: Thank you very much. Police: you're welcome. Mark: goodbye.

Police: goodbye.




3:一篇对问路,a: Hi, how was your summer vacation? B: great. I read a lot of books a: cool. What did you learn B: I learned some idioms as an example, do you know "lemon"? A: Yes, it means something doesn't work properly B: you bet "in red" A: I know because my father is wearing red this month.

B: Oh, it's not cool. A: No, maybe I can't get money from him this month My God, poor man, I hope you'll be rich soon.


a: 嗨,你们暑假过得怎么样b:很好我读了很多书a:酷你学了什么b:我学了一些习语作为例子,你知道“柠檬”吗a:是的,意思是某件事不能正常工作b:你敢打赌“穿红色衣服”a:我知道因为我父亲这个月穿红色衣服b:哦,真的不酷a:没有,也许这个月我从他那里拿不到钱b:天哪,可怜的人我希望你很快就能发财。


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