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关于”妈妈的职业“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Mother's occupation。以下是关于妈妈的职业的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Mother's occupation

When I grow up, I want to do what I want to do. I want to move to a relaxing place. Britain sounds like a country where I can live.

There are many concerts. I want to be a musician. First of all, I want to find a part-time job for three years.

Then I save some money. I want to take music lessons and study English. Next, I will hold concerts because I want to get more I also hope that one day I will go to a beautiful place to retire.




In most mechanical industries, anyone is qualified to work in his education. This possibility is very different in different occupations. In free employment, success is almost certain, but in freelance, it is very uncertain - give your son an apprentice to a shoemaker, he can learn to make a pair of shoes, but send him to study law At least 20 years old, he should be able to get a successful career at least in a way that he should be able to get a successful career at the age of 20 He should get retribution for what he started to do with his profession.

Not only was his education so boring and expensive, but among more than ten other lawyers, although the cost of legal counsel sometimes seemed so extravagant, their real retribution never reached such a level. However, these professions remain at the same level as others, and despite these dissuasions, they are the most generous and free souls, eager to bring together two different reasons that help to recommend them: first, the desire to gain a reputation for excellence in any spirit; second, everyone has a natural self-confidence, more or less, No Only having confidence in one's ability and one's own good fortune can excel in any profession, and few people can achieve mediocrity. This is the most decisive sign of so-called genius or outstanding talent, that is, the public's admiration for such outstanding ability makes a part of their return always increase or decrease in proportion, because it is high or low; in degree On top of it, it makes a considerable part in the physics profession, perhaps in poetry and philosophy of law, it is almost all.


在大多数机械行业中,任何人都有资格从事他所受教育的工作,这种可能性在不同的职业中是非常不同的,在自由职业中,成功几乎是确定无疑的,但在自由职业中却非常不确定——把你的儿子交给一个鞋匠当学徒, 他学会做一双鞋是毫无疑问的但是送他去学法律,如果他能做到这样的熟练程度,使他能够以一种完全公平的抽签方式过日子,那至少是20比1,在一个职业中,20个失败,1个成功的职业中,中奖的人应该得到所有的损失,一个人应该得到不成功的xx岁法律顾问本应得到的一切,也许,在将近xx岁的时候,他开始以自己的职业做些什么,他应该得到报应,不仅是他自己如此乏味和昂贵的教育,但是,在其他十余名律师中,尽管法律顾问的费用有时显得多么奢侈,但他们真正的报应却从来没有达到这样的水平。然而,这些职业与其他职业保持着同一水平,尽管有这些劝阻,但都是最慷慨和自由的灵魂渴望将两种不同的原因聚集在一起,这两种不同的原因有助于推荐他们:第一,渴望在任何一种精神中获得卓越的声誉;第二,每个人都有一种天然的自信,或多或少地,不仅对自己的能力有信心,而且对自己的好运有信心,在任何一种职业中都能出类拔萃很少有人能达到平庸,这就是所谓的天才或卓越才能的最决定性的标志,即公众对这种杰出能力的钦佩,使他们的回报的一部分总是在比例上增加或减少,因为它是高或低;在程度上,它使相当大的一部分,在物理专业,也许在诗歌和哲学的法律,它几乎是全部。


My mother's name is Nancy. She has long hair and two big eyes. My mother likes sports and shopping.

Her favorite sports are football and yoga. Her favorite food is ice cream. She also likes dogs and cats.

My mother is a high school technician. She studies hard and gets good grades. My mother also cares about my study.

She always helps me learn and play the piano when I progress I'm glad my mother loves me very much, and I love my mother too.




标签: 英文 高分 作文 专业 妈妈

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