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关于”孤独的原因“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Reasons for loneliness。以下是关于孤独的原因的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Reasons for loneliness

For every girl, they often dream that a prince on a white horse appears in front of them and proposes marriage. This sounds like a novel plot. It is impossible to have such a handsome man.

In the Olympic Games, the only horseman in China makes girls crazy for him. Almost every girl will like this handsome guy and be fascinated by him at the first sight because His father is Chinese and his mother is English. Huatian, who has a superb skill, has broken many records in this noble sport.

He was famous when he was very young. He had just participated in the Olympic Games. His appearance filled the blank in the history of London.

Before him, no one was qualified to take part in the horse riding competition. Because his horse was injured, he missed the Olympic Games. But in, he showed himself again, fighting for China, but he was not alone because there were a billion people supporting him.




When I'm alone, I think it's healthy to be alone. I spend most of my time with the best people, and it will soon be boring and dissipating. I like to be alone.

I have never found a friendly partner like loneliness. We are more lonely in most cases than when we are at home. It is always lonely to think or work alone.

Loneliness is not to be with him alone Measured by the distance between their companions, they found that the fatigue of their legs could not make their thoughts closer to each other.




Anyone sometimes feels lonely, and for some people it usually lasts only a short time. But loneliness can last for years. The researchers say there are three types of loneliness.

The first one is temporary, which is the most common one, which usually disappears soon, and does not need special attention. The second is that situational loneliness is the natural result of specific situations, such as family problems, the death of friends, etc. Although this loneliness can lead to headaches or insomnia, it usually does not last more than a year.





标签: 英文 五年级 作文 万能 原因

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