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关于”没有水“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:No water。以下是关于没有水的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:No water

In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures must be taken to formulate and implement laws and regulations to punish those who waste or pollute wastes intentionally. We should carry out a large-scale education campaign to let the public realize the significance of water conservation. We have reason to believe that this problem can be solved perfectly in the near future.




If there is no water on the earth now, people will waste a lot of water. Many people think that the water on the earth will never be fully utilized, because in the modern world, water is very cheap, so people don't want to cherish it. Have you ever thought that if there is no water on earth, we all know that water is the origin of all life.

If there is no water in the world, all living things can not survive, all living things will be extinct in a short time, and water is very important in industry, steel production needs water to cool. The last and most important point is that water can be used for transportation. We can go anywhere by boat.

If there is no water, the natural beauty will no longer be beautiful. Water is so important. If you continue to waste it, it may be consumed one day.

Please don't waste it for our future generations.





When asked, most people say that, but I think / opinion is a little different. When it comes to the fact that some people think / claim that the contrary is true, there may be some truth in both arguments / statements, but I prefer the former / the latter, where people generally / universally / generally believe / hold / acknowledge their claims / believe / argue, but I wonder / doubt whether the increase of the latest problems / phenomena has caused / attracted the most attention of the public / the public / the wide / the world More and more important people are beginning to realize / accept / (realize) there is a kind of (n) more and more awareness / recognition of the importance of pahap. Now it is time to reexamine the attitude / concept of "knowledge is power".

This is Bacon's saying "education is not" It's a great American philosopher's view that "we hear such statements / words often, we often hear such traditional complaints" for many years, it has been regarded as, but now people are looking at it again, because people used to think (in the past, people have shared this new view) (in the past, people have shared this new view) In a newspaper, I read / learned about a phenomenon that once attracted public attention. There was once a person whose story might have been him (unbelievable, but now it still has practical significance).




标签: 初中 英文 作文 万能

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