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关于”基因测试“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Gene testing。以下是关于基因测试的高一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Gene testing

Dogs have been domesticated for most of human history, so over the years, many stories have been told of brave dogs who played an admirable role in war, or when the Roman community of Pompeii, destroyed by Mount Vesuvius in A.D., was eventually dug up and risked his life to save people in danger. Searchers found a dog lying on one side In a child, it's obviously protecting the child. There may be few dogs in the world with such heroism, but they are still the real source of happiness for their owners.




A man from America did a little test on the street to see how people react when they saw someone being bullied. Tests show that more than% of people will help the weak and criticize those who bully others. I am moved by those who hold out their hands.

The weak pretended to be a nerd and did something that looked stupid, but everyone defended him, saying that he had done great things and looked cool. We should not judge others because of their differences. Everyone is special.

If they don't disturb others, they can do anything.





Genetically modified food is a product brought to us by science. With less and less cultivated land, genetically modified food will play an increasingly important role. If the problem of food shortage in the world can be solved by using genetically modified technology, genetically modified food is not very good in today's world.

It is a new thing, a new thing, and people need time to promote its acceptance, We can't put new things in the cradle and insist on it at the beginning. We can't eat genetically modified food. You think the hybrid rice we don't eat is a kind of genetically modified food, but we can open it.

If they can transfer genes from other crops to other crops through soybean transgenic technology and use atmospheric nitrogen in their fertilizer to transfer genes to humans, this is the two sides of everything, In particular, science and technology is a double-edged sword. Genetically modified food has its disadvantages, just as some people worry, because it will not change, it will destroy genetic evolution, and the nutrition in genetically modified food is not like that. People's propaganda worry is understandable.

It takes time to accept a new thing, but we should also see their advantages, I think as time goes by As time goes by, genetically modified foods will be accepted.




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