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关于”介绍趵突泉“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Baotu Spring。以下是关于介绍趵突泉的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Baotu Spring

Baotu Spring Park is a natural rock spring garden with spring water as its center and unique ethnic flavor. It is the first famous spring in Jinan and is known as "the first spring in the world". The spring water stands on three legs and splashes in all directions, just like three piles of snow.

It's so spectacular. The spring water is sweet and suitable for making tea. It's clear in color, rich in aroma and good in taste.

Sitting under the "crane Pavilion" on the east side of the spring, holding a cup in hand Baotuquan park is a venue for weekend talk shows and local operas. Under the "white snow tower", some classic Peking Opera plays, such as "looking for a rich son-in-law" and "watching the Yangtze River Pavilion", can be seen here. Tourists can also enjoy some local special operas.

Like Lu Opera and Liuzi opera, the bamboo forest park covers an area of one mu, and was named in the Yuan Dynasty There are four pavilions, five bridges and one garden of Li kuchan Memorial Hall. Now, the "bamboo forest garden" is attached to Baotu Spring Park.




Baotu Spring Park, with spring water as its center, is a natural rock spring garden with unique ethnic customs. It is the first famous spring in Jinan and is known as "the first spring in the world". The spring water stands on three legs and splashes everywhere, just like three piles of snow.

It is very spectacular. The spring water is sweet and suitable for making tea. It is clear in color, rich in fragrance and good in taste.

Sitting under the "Guanhe Pavilion" on the east side of the spring, holding a cup of tea in hand, Baotuquan park is a venue for weekend talk shows and local operas. Under the "white snow tower", some classic Peking Opera plays, such as "looking for the rich son-in-law" and "watching the Yangtze River Pavilion", can also be enjoyed by tourists. The "bamboo forest garden", like Lu's spring and Autumn Annals and Liuzi opera, covers an area of mu, and was named in Yuan Dynasty In the memorial hall, there are four pavilions, five bridges and one flower "bamboo garden", which belongs to Baotu Spring Park.




Baotu Spring Park, with spring water as its center, is a natural rock spring garden with unique ethnic customs. It is known as "the first spring in the world". The spring water stands on three legs and splashes in all directions, just like three piles of snow.

It is very spectacular. The spring water is sweet and suitable for making tea. It has clear tea color, strong aroma and good taste.

Sitting under the "crane Pavilion" on the east side of the spring, holding a cup in hand Baotuquan park is a venue for weekend talk shows and local operas. Under the "white snow tower", some classic Peking Opera plays, such as "looking for a rich son-in-law" and "watching the Yangtze River Pavilion", can be seen here. Tourists can also enjoy some local special operas.

Like Lu Opera and Liuzi opera, the bamboo forest park covers an area of one mu, and was named in the Yuan Dynasty There are four pavilions, five bridges and one garden of Li kuchan Memorial Hall. Now, the "bamboo forest garden" is attached to Baotu Spring Park.




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