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关于”包饺子的小怎么说“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:What about the dumpling maker。以下是关于包饺子的小怎么说的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What about the dumpling maker

Dumpling is a traditional Chinese food for the lunar new year. Most families make many delicious dumplings. According to this simple process, the first step is to mix flour and water when the dough is ready.

We can start to make dumpling skin. We roll the dough into small, thin and round pieces with a rolling pin, so that it is easy to cook when packaged. It's usually time to prepare the stuffing.

We use beef, mutton and other meats, and some vegetables, such as cabbage or carrots. You can choose whatever you like to put in it. We have to cut these things into small pieces, and then put some salt, oil and other seasonings into the mixture, so that we can start to make dumplings.

First, put a spoonful of filling in the center of the dumpling skin, then stick the two sides together, and don't just cover the stuffing. The best shape of dumplings is boat shaped, because when they boil in the pot, they look like ships sailing on the sea, and the smell will make your mouth water.





First you mix water and flour together to make dough. Containers should be large enough to avoid spillage of flour and water. When the dough is ready, press the dough with your hand until it doesn't stick, set it there, and then continue to make the filling.

The second step is to mince the meat, mix mushrooms and mushrooms into a paste, add some spices, such as ginger and onion, stir well. The third step is to pack the dough and roll the dough into small round pieces, each two inches in diameter. The fourth step is to put the stuffing in the middle of the wrapping paper, and then press the package tightly.

Then the dumplings are ready. The next step is to cook the dumplings. The last step is to put a pot of water on the stove, wait for the water to boil, put the dumplings into the water one by one, cover the pot, wait for the water to steam out, and then add cold water.

When you see the dumplings boiling, add the second cold water. You can put them in a bowl or plate and take chopsticks to eat.






My mother is very good at making dumplings, and I like the taste she makes. So every time I see her making dumplings quickly, I think it is a very easy thing for me. I decided to learn from my mother to make dumplings.

It was a very valuable experience for me, and then I started the main step. It took me a long time to knead dough. My mother told me that it was very important The first step is like the foundation of a building.

I didn't do the foundation work well, so I used it to make dumplings directly. My mother finished a dumpling in three seconds, but when I made a dumpling packaging, it was difficult to close it, and the meat was gone. I didn't expect that it would be so difficult to make dumplings.




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