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关于”心情表“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Mood table。以下是关于心情表的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Mood table

Leonardo, the Oscar winner, signed up for a microblog account on Weibo, which is the fans' favorite social media, and they warmly welcomed him. Memes have become a favorite way for young people to express their emotions. Since the invention of memes, they are very popular on the Internet.

They like to express themselves with these interesting pictures, which is much better than typing. On the one hand, memes not only have the function of saying words, but also can move others by showing lovely pictures when using these interesting pictures. They feel so relaxed and communicate.

Memes have become a part of Internet culture These popular expressions created by us are very popular all over the world. Without emoticons, the round face smiles with tears, which means an embarrassing situation. Many foreigners join the team and use Chinese memes to express our emotions in a creative way than they accept.

Internet language provides more ways for people to communicate.





Happy [ˈ h æ PI] [ˈ h æ PI] adj happy happy happy happy smile sad she sang a sad song angry [ˈ Fujian: ZD] [K ə n ˈ fjuzd] I think many other people like me are a little confused and shy https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/png/0.


happy[ˈhæpi][ˈhæpi]adj happier happier happier happier happier happier她的脸放松成了一个快乐的微笑悲伤的微笑悲伤她唱了一首悲伤的歌愤怒[ˈ福建:zd][kənˈfjuzd]调整(vconfuse)我想其他很多人都和我一样,有点困惑害羞https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/png/0。


We have two different faces. We can show the world that we can smile or frown. The faces we choose every day have a great influence on us.

Smile is of course a better way of life. Smile can keep us healthy. When we frown, we tighten our faces, our bodies become tense.

Smile is a relaxed face. Smile makes us feel good. It makes me feel good Our bodies work better and smiles can make us look good.

No one likes to look at a frown. Frowning makes us want to turn around and walk away. Besides, smile is important to the success of the business world and social occasions.

A smiling salesman's sales volume will far exceed that of a frowning competitor. Doctors will help his patients relax with a smile Lawyers will win the hearts of juries. Finally, smiling is good for all aspects of our lives.

It's something everyone knows how to do. It's just a little effort. We don't have to be happy, as the song says, "when you smile, the whole world smiles with you.".




标签: 雅思 英文 作文 心情 满分

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