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关于”文学评论“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Literary Review。以下是关于文学评论的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Literary Review

Tent camping is the main camping method of outdoor activities such as field tourism, mountaineering and exploration, and it is also worth actively advocating its characteristics. Firstly, it is close to nature. There is nothing closer to nature than when you are resting.

You think that under you is soil instead of spring bed. Spring bed and cement ground open everything of nature, and no concrete building can cover you Line of sight, now it's really back to nature. It's two, no matter what the situation is, are safe homes.

As long as there are three square meters of flat ground under our feet, we can catch enough "home" for two people. And about one of the lightest tents is only kg. As long as it is near the body, there is a room for shelter from the wind and rain, it can also help shelter from the wind and snow, cold current, etc With it, we can rest assured that the third is economic camping.

The most economical way to save accommodation cost is accommodation tent. It can be calculated that an excellent one must be about yuan (at least can be used collectively by residents) or above (late), so the average cost per person is only about yuan, and the one yuan late room fee is not It's cheap, so it's healthy to stay in tents.




The introduction of a critical article follows the "funnel" form. The first sentence is a general introduction to your article. It can determine the general theme of the literature and materials you are going to discuss.

The last sentence is your paper statement (main points / points you want to prove / your decision on the article). Each paragraph or paragraph of the article will have different opinions to support Your paper, connect back to the paper statement (because each paragraph supports and develops an idea in the paper statement, and links paragraphs to paragraphs before the paragraph, making sure that the ideas you convey in each sentence relate to the ideas of the previous sentence. Don't jump around with disconnected concepts.

Conclusion your paper is written in a "reverse funnel," as opposed to your introduction. The first sentence of the conclusion specifically summarizes your paper statement, but it must also be connected to your last paragraph, so remember to use the transition, and then the conclusion goes from concrete to general, ending with a broad statement of literature and / or its subject matter.




Title → author → subordination → Abstract → keywords → text → confirmation → quotation A4% Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman symbol Times New Roman / Times New Roman ABC / Si word – Times New Roman Chinese in Japanese http://wwwqikanccom/html/lunwen/English/html.


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标签: 英文 三年级 作文 万能 模板

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