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关于”要孝敬父母“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Be filial to your parents。以下是关于要孝敬父母的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Be filial to your parents

Our parents should take care of us. We should treat your parents. Don't quarrel with them.

It will hurt their hearts. We should help our parents to do housework, wash their feet and massage them. We all do such things.

I believe they will feel very happy,.




Education is what we want to receive from our parents, so that we can acquire knowledge and make great achievements in the future. The following is the responsibility of students. We should bear this in mind first.

Secondly, we should be filial to our parents and respect our teachers. Thirdly, we must try our best to study. We can't lie at last.

We can't criticize others to sum up. The above rules are the responsibility of students.




In our traditional families, we should also respect our families and respect their traditional virtues. This also requires us to respect them as much as we can in the process of building a harmonious society. Parents should love and support their children, and should be loved and cared for by their children.

Especially when they are old, we can see from the above figure that parents should not only have food and Clothes, they also need more understanding and care, no matter how busy we are, we should take time to accompany them, let them live a happier and more comfortable life in the rest of their lives, only in this way can we make more contributions to the construction of the whole society in our country.




标签: 英文 八年级 作文 年级 满分

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