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关于”支持过洋支持“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Support overseas support。以下是关于支持过洋支持的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Support overseas support

In order to understand students' views on weekend (holiday) work and rest problems, a Student Union began to investigate it from September 7, and finally got the following results: some students agree with this measure, they think that the measure has some advantages, this measure can reduce students' playing time, let students review knowledge that can help them improve their grades, but this method will make it possible for students to improve their performance Teachers feel tired, while other students do not agree. They think that measurement is just a kind of tactical fatigue, which is not conducive to the allocation of time, waste of time, and will increase the burden, which is not conducive to the development of students' personality.




With the acceleration of economic globalization, many countries have strengthened international cooperation and liaison in the fields of industry, agriculture, trade and finance for common development. Many developed countries spare no effort to help poor countries through technical, medical and financial assistance. In my opinion, this is crucial to the development of the whole world society.

First of all, the technology development of developed countries After that, people's living standards in poor countries have been improved and poverty has been eliminated. In some underdeveloped countries such as Africa, a considerable number of people in Latin America and Asia have suffered from poverty, hunger and water shortage due to humanitarianism. The international assistance from developed countries has improved their living standards and helped them develop agriculture, industry and economy Second aid to underdeveloped countries, due to the limitations of natural and human resources, in turn benefits donors.

In order to reduce costs in developed countries, production costs rise sharply. Many countries transfer their production lines and production bases to developing countries, because this can reduce production costs As a win-win solution, international assistance meets the interests of both sides. Governments should take effective measures to make better use of International AIDS.

International AIDS assistance is the need of common prosperity of all mankind.




(Red Cross Foundation of China) dear students, in order to support the earthquake stricken areas in Sichuan, the student union is going to organize a donation plan. I hope you can donate money or materials. If you want to donate money, please put it in the donation box at the entrance of the teaching building.

If you want to donate clothes, quilts or other things, there are two volunteers to help when necessary, Please take them to the stand in front of our school gate. Donation activities will be held from: to: tomorrow and the day after tomorrow: all donations and materials will be collected in an orderly manner and submitted to the Red Cross Foundation of China on behalf of the student union as soon as possible. We formally appeal to all students to donate money and help people in earthquake stricken areas rebuild their homes and resume normal life.




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