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关于”如何处理数字遗产“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:How to deal with digital heritage。以下是关于如何处理数字遗产的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to deal with digital heritage

Every week I put them on my bookshelf so they can meet new friends. My books are all happy books. You just have to look at them.

They're all in the library, on the lower shelves, on the floor, at the mercy of the disobedient, and I'm going to save them. Sorry, I have to go now.





How to deal with sub-health? With the acceleration of the global modernization process, people may gradually face the threat of sub-health while their material life is constantly improving. A typical symptom of sub-health is continuous fatigue, and the victims are always tired and suspicious of a certain disease. However, the positive followers of material life succumb through intense and hard work.




How to deal with stress. Stress is a state of distraction. When we're all under stress, we become emotionally upset.

If the pressure is too high and the time is too long, we may even have emotional and physical illness. Stress can come to us from all aspects. For example, it may come from fighting with others.

It may be because we have too much to do and too little time. It may also be that we don't have enough money to pay for what we want. Because stress can make us sick, we must learn how to deal with stress.

There are good ways and bad ways to deal with it We can deal with stress in a good way. Of course, a good way to reduce stress includes changing our lifestyle. For example, we can learn to get along with people or stay away from them.

We can decide what to do now, what to do later, and what we can stop doing forever. We can find ways to get money or we can reduce what we want. We should not deal with it in a bad way Manage stress, because bad ways to reduce stress will only lead to more trouble, such as changing jobs and not doing our work, blaming others for our problems, stealing or cheating.





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