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关于”和怎样的人交朋友“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:What kind of people do you make friends with。以下是关于和怎样的人交朋友的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What kind of people do you make friends with

Since I was in high school, I didn't like talking to my parents because when I told them what I thought, they would deny it and ask me to do what they said. I was no longer a little girl. I had the right to make my decisions.

My parents realized that one day they came into my room and talked to me. They apologized for treating me as a child. They liked to respect me My decision to make friends with me was so happy that my parents did listen to them.

I opened my heart and talked to them about everything. It was much easier to talk to friends than to my parents.




Friends are one of the most important factors in a happy life. Making new friends is very enjoyable. However, sometimes it's a bit tricky work.

You need to express a sense of balance. You don't want them to think that you are not interested in them or very interested. When you meet a new person, the first thing you need to do is find a way to talk to him or her, for example, if you meet someone in a class If you meet him or her in other places, you can go to them and say, isn't the weather very good? By starting chatting naturally, you will.

Second, you have to find a way to keep in touch with him / her. Even if you give him / her such a good first impression, you can't call him / her as a friend. In order to maintain the relationship, you must be able to contact people.

In that case, you can get closer and closer to this person. Last but not least, you have to face him or her now Her face-to-face, you can contact him or her through your mobile phone, social network service, or other means, contact them in your way, try to arrange a time to meet them, meet them face-to-face is the cornerstone of improvement, turn your relationship into a real friend, and it's also a good idea to participate in an event together.




If you don't smile at the person you love the first thing in the morning, you will eventually draw energy from your relationship, help another person, make the help real and specific, give us a massage for the person you love, or cook dinner for her, and then expand your circle to work Try to ask yourself, what would you do if your goal was to help others rather than be efficient. After all, if what's going on around you really happens, why not make sure that what's around you is good.




标签: 英文 六年级 作文 真题 年级

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