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关于”生病的状态“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:A sick state。以下是关于生病的状态的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A sick state

Yesterday, my friend and I went to Jinshan Park, which is the biggest park in our hometown. When we entered the park, we were surprised to see so many flowers in full bloom. We took a walk along the river and enjoyed the fish swimming freely.

The most interesting thing was to climb Jinshan mountain. It was not very interesting. It was very high, but it was very difficult to get up.

Twenty minutes later, we saw the city from the top of the mountain! There are countless high-rise buildings, many cars driving in the broad streets, the Yangtze River pouring eastward, white clouds are above our heads, we really had a good time that day.




I live in my hometown with my parents. It is such a beautiful place for me. I go to school with my friends.

We have a pleasant conversation on the road after school. We go to the playground to play interesting games. I live a happy life.

My childhood is very simple, but it is the best situation in my hometown for me.




Most people believe that, in addition to having body, mind and emotion, humans have spiritual nature. A major part of your life is your spiritual beliefs and health or satisfaction. Achieving your mental health in your mental health will contribute to a satisfying and successful life.

Factors include forgiveness, gratitude, peace and, first of all, you must forgive and forgive others Self forgiveness frees you from hatred, forces you to examine your motives and ask you to give up the need to always be right. When you suppress forgiveness, you let things erode your heart. This not only affects your mental health, but also hurts your body and body.

Emotional well-being when you forgive someone who hurts you, you are not only free from the burden, but also free from the burden You actually gain the power to control the situation. Anger or revenge will only aggravate your mental problems. Second, every time you have negative thoughts, you should be grateful and grateful for the blessings you have received, and fight back with gratitude.

The more you want your blessing, the more you will feel the change in your emotional and mental outlook. The worst habit is ingratitude. If you are grateful, you will be surprised by the changes in yourself, your health, your relationships, your career, and even your whole life.

It is a recognition that you need a personal peace that will separate you from the uneasy or threatening thoughts That is, everything is fine in the world, and when we turn our attention from problems we can't solve to higher hopes, it becomes a reality. In short, in order to be mentally satisfied, then, you should forgive, be grateful, and be calm.




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