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关于”介绍三国演义的作业帮“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Introduce the homework of the romance of the Three Kingdoms。以下是关于介绍三国演义的作业帮的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce the homework of the romance of the Three Kingdoms

For a long time, the Empire must be united and divided. Therefore, it once "echoed the rhythm of Chinese history and the importance of the Immortal Story" the romance of the Three Kingdoms "to Chinese culture. Just as Homer's epic is important to the west, this masterpiece of the 14th century is still loved and read by all Chinese people.

The romance of the Three Kingdoms depicts the Han Dynasty BC At a decisive moment in the last year, when the future of the Chinese Empire was in jeopardy and was afraid of being attacked by three rebellious countries, the emperor urgently issued an appeal for help. Three young nobles, Liu Xuande, the fugitive Guan Gong and Zhang Fei, who slaughtered pigs, met each other to pledge eternal brotherhood and loyalty to the besieged country. Their vows triggered a series of events, and eventually led to a series of incidents It led to the collapse of the Han Dynasty.

A few centuries later, Luo Guanzhong borrowed the story of this turbulent period to popularize a complex narrative of loyalty and betrayal, victory and failure, which epitomizes the best and worst of his country's life.




2:介绍《三国演义》的家庭作业,Liu Bei Xu haoying was a general, warlord, and later the founding emperor of Shu Han in the Three Kingdoms period. Although he started later than his rivals, he also lacked the material resources and social status they mastered. Liu Bei overcame many failures and opened up his own kingdom.

His heyday spanned some areas of modern Sichuan, Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei and Gansu In the romance of the Three Kingdoms written by Luo Guanzhong, Liu Bei is known as "the ideal benevolent". He cares about the people and selects excellent advisers. His character is to advocate the Confucian morality.

For example, Zhang Fei (A.D.) is a general of Shu Han in the Three Kingdoms period. Zhang Fei is proved to be a wise general, not just a soldier who respects his superiors He had little respect for his subordinates and was often warned by Liu Bei that his habit of punishing his soldiers with flogging and killing would eventually lead to his own predicament. Zhang Fei married Xia Houyuan's daughter.

Xia Hou yuan's daughter was captured by Zhang Fei's army when she was collecting firewood outside. They had two daughters. The eldest daughter married Liu Shan and became the queen of Shu Han.

After Zhang Fei's eldest daughter died for some reason, Zhuge Liang acted as a matchmaker. Liu Shan married Zhang Fei's younger daughter, and Zhang Fei inherited her sister Zhang Fei's description and behavior in the romance of the Three Kingdoms, the queen of China, is the best portrayal. Some people say that Zhang Fei is also an excellent painter.

Zhang Fei was killed by his subordinates Zhang Da and fan Jiang. Zhang Da and fan Jiang prepare to attack their opponents, Dongwu, to avenge Guan Yu's death.




3:介绍三国演义的作业帮,This is the night before the battle of Chibi in the romance of the Three Kingdoms. Zhou Yu was in his tent thinking about how to defeat Cao Cao's army. When Huang Gai came in, he suggested using fire attack.

"OK," that's what I want to do, "Zhou said." that's why I want to keep these two spies: to convey false information to Cao Ying, but I need a person to play the same game for us. " Guy said he was willing to do it, and they decided to whip to win the trust of the enemy. " "The next day, Zhou Yu summoned a general and his commanders to gather outside the tent.

He ordered the commander to receive three months' rations and prepare to defend his defense line. "We don't need three months. If we don't, we'd better throw away our weapons and ask for peace," Huang Gai said.





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