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关于”话题“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:topic of conversation。以下是关于话题的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:topic of conversation

To go to a foreign university can first prepare students in many aspects. If university education is taken into consideration, studying in a foreign university can be a good stepping stone for university education. Studying in a foreign university can also help a person to be more independent mentally and physically, because living in a new environment will challenge cross-cultural literacy and social ability.

Foreign university education can help students better understand the culture of other countries, but there are also some alienation. The biggest drawback is that they can not adapt to the new learning environment, thus negatively affecting one Personal academic performance.




As time goes on, our daily life will change greatly in the future. For example, as time goes by, our daily life will change greatly. For example, when we are hungry, we don't need to cook in a hurry, just take some medicine.

When we are free, everything will be OK. We can go to any cheap spaceship, just like taking a taxi now Of course, if we want to see the situation at the bottom of the sea, we can take a flying object like a flying saucer to travel there, because there will be a lot of people and people living there.




I took part in the relay race. I ran the last lap. This is the last event in the sports meeting.

We all pay attention to it. All the players are ready at the starting line. When it's my turn, everyone is so excited that they can't stop cheering.

I can feel the 4S shop Class C drivers.




标签: 英文 九年级 作文 年级 满分

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