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关于”身体健康“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:good health。以下是关于身体健康的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:good health

Exercise keeps us healthy and fresh. Everyone likes to do things like this or that, but not everyone knows how to do them correctly. Sometimes the advice we get may be wrong I'm lucky because I have a good PE teacher since my first day at school.

I've always been strong I go swimming almost every day all year round, and I like it, too Many other sports I'd like to take part in some of the events at the school sports meeting this fall.


运动让我们保持健康和新鲜每个人都喜欢做这样或那样的事,但不是所有人都知道如何正确地做它们,有时我们得到的建议可能是错误的 我很幸运,因为从我上学的第一天起,我就一直有一个很好的体育老师,我一直很强壮 我全年几乎每天都去游泳当然我也喜欢许多其他的运动我想参加今年秋天学校运动会上的一些项目。


Today, Dr. Li came to our school to give a speech on keeping healthy. In his speech, he mentioned some ways to keep healthy, such as avoiding junk food and balanced diet, getting enough sleep, bathing and brushing teeth, and doing daily exercise every day can also help to maintain our health.

He said it is very important to keep healthy, and health is wealth.




Sports keep us healthy and fresh. Everyone likes to do things like this or that, but not everyone knows how to do them correctly. Sometimes the advice we get may be wrong.

I'm very lucky because I have a good PE teacher since my first day at school. I've always been strong. I go swimming almost every day all year round.

Of course, I do I like many other sports. I want to take part in some of the sports events in the school sports meeting this fall.




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