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关于”成功的行为“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Successful behavior。以下是关于成功的行为的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Successful behavior

Pandas are very popular with people because they are so cute. Many people come to Sichuan zoo to see pandas, but the media always report some bad behaviors. Some tourists throw away the garbage.

Some adults let their children stand on the armrest. In order to get closer to the panda, we need to behave politely and protect the environment and animals.




With the continuous improvement of economic level, many people want to travel abroad, but a survey shows that China is one of the five worst tourist countries, including India, France, Russia and the United Kingdom. I'm not surprised, because there are always news about the bad behavior of Chinese tourists that impress the local people. They are noisy in public, unfriendly to the environment, and stingy in tips.

The worst thing is, every time I hear these things, I feel sorry for my country. China is an ancient civilization, polite people, we are very good to foreigners, as a good east Lord, I hope everyone who travels abroad will understand that he / she represents our country's responsibility to safeguard national dignity. We should show the best side of China to the whole world.




His behavior brought shame on his family. He was ashamed of his previous dishonorable behavior. All in all, his behavior is that the reporter was accused of unprofessional conduct, and his conduct has caused severe criticism.

We condemn him for his bad conduct. His conduct has always been above reproach. His behavior shows that he is respectable.





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