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关于”背诵的好处“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Benefits of recitation。以下是关于背诵的好处的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Benefits of recitation

There is a park near my home. There are many beautiful trees, flowers and birds in the park, so many people go to the park to enjoy their weekend time. They like to walk or have a picnic in the park, but I like to fly kites with my little sister.

There was a small bedroom with a small bed, a small desk and a small chair. There is a beautiful doll on my blue bed. I do my homework, read books and play games in my bedroom every day.

It is small, but it gives me a lot of happiness. My father is a tall and handsome man. He is a policeman.

He comes home late every day because he has to help others. She doesn't have time to check my homework and take me to the park. But I like my father because he is a good policeman.





2:背诵的好处,What is the secret of a strong man's success? When others are conquered by them, why can they survive? When others are conquered, why do they win? When others lose, why do they fly? When others sink, the answer is very simple. The answer is how they look at themselves. Yes, every living person has a problem.

Life without a problem is a mirage in the desert The fact is that every mountain has a peak, every valley has its valley, life has its ups and downs, its peak valley no one has been rising, it is not always the case, the problem has been solved in time, you may not be able to control the time, but you can turn your pain into blasphemy or poetry, you can choose yourself, you may not choose your hardship But you can choose how you will respond, for example, what is positive. In this case, the response to a terrible economic setback is a positive response to alcohol abuse, drug use, or suicide escape. Without this negative reaction, you can only produce bigger problems by promising to temporarily solve urgent problems.

Actively solving problems may take courage to control what you see in your life The reaction to a seemingly uncontrollable problem. In fact, you do control the impact of the problem on you. Your response to the problem is the last sentence, which is what you will make the problem do to you.

It can make you gentle or tough, it can make you better or more painful. In the final analysis, it is up to you. The reason why strong people survive in tough times is because they choose to The hard times of actively dealing with difficulties will not last, but strong people will be strong people.

History tells us that every problem has a life span. There is no problem that permanent storms always give way to the sun. Winter always melts to spring.

Your storms will pass. Your winter will thaw. Your problems will be solved.




3:背诵的好处,Gettysburg Address Gettysburg, Pennsylvania eighty seven years ago, our ancestors founded a new nation on this continent, conceived and committed to the proposition that all men are equal, and now we are in a great civil war, testing whether this country or any other country so conceived and dedicated can survive forever. We are there We are here to dedicate part of the battlefield to the final destination of those who gave their lives for the survival of this country. We are absolutely right to do so, but in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot sanctify this land, we cannot sanctify it.

Brave men, living and dead, consecrate it far beyond our ability to add or subtract the world. What we say here is rarely noticed, but it will never forget what they have done here. This is for the sake of the people who live, and should devote ourselves to the great task before us.

From these glorious dead, we should devote ourselves more to the cause for which they gave their last all-out efforts. A new freedom will be born in this country, so that the government of the people by the people will not disappear from the earth.





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