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关于”猜灯谜“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:guess lantern riddles。以下是关于猜灯谜的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:guess lantern riddles

There is a folk story about the origin of lantern riddles: the Lantern Festival, the night of the imperial city and the Lantern Festival of the Spring Festival. The lantern riddles in poems are reflected in the lights and listed on the road for people to guess. Therefore, the so-called "lantern riddles" have been guessed as lantern riddles.

There is also an interesting story and legend. In a very early time, there was a rich man named Hu called "Xiao" Wang Shao, a poor scholar in the village, decided to fight against the year of the tiger. The Lantern Festival was coming, and every household was busy making lanterns.

Wang Shao took out a lantern and went to the street to see the lantern tied big and bright, especially a poem. Wang Shao came to xiaohumen The tiger also rushed to the lantern. He saw four poems carved on the top of the lantern.

His body was as white as silver. There was no half centimeter eye on the scale. His clothes could not recognize that someone was smiling at the tiger.

He screamed with anger, "good boy, dare to scold the master" and ordered his family to grab the lantern. Wang Shao picked it up The lantern said with a smile, "Sir, how can I see that you are scolding?" he said with a grin, "how did you write that lantern?" "it's not someone who scolded me." Wang Shao said with a smile, "Oh, master, my four poems are a mystery. The answer to the riddle is" needle ".

Do you want to" laugh at the tiger? "He just glared and turned around and ran away "In the second year of the Lantern Festival, people also wrote riddles on the lanterns for people to guess and light, so they are called" lantern riddles ". Later, they were used to guessing lantern riddles and playing lantern tigers.




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标签: 雅思 英文 作文 万能

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