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关于”写一篇旅行的版“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Write a travel edition。以下是关于写一篇旅行的版的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write a travel edition

Hello, everyone. I'm very happy to introduce Linfen City to you. It's located in the south of Shanxi Province.

It has a cool and pleasant climate, blue sky and fresh air. It's definitely a good place. That's why Linfen can attract tourists from all over the world.

There are many scenic spots, such as Yao temple and Hukou waterfall. If you have any other questions, you can ask I hope you have a good time here, placeso.




2:,Last weekend, my parents and I visited the Great Wall. We set out early in the morning. When we got there, we drove to see the Great Wall in front of us.

We had a sense of pride. Then we began to climb the great wall and enjoy the warm sunshine and beautiful scenery. I was deeply moved by what the ancients did.

We were all moved by the magnificent scenery. I remembered an old saying: "people who have never been to the great wall are not real people ".




3:写一篇旅行的版,There are many ways to travel, such as by plane, train, ship, bus. If you like, people can choose any way of travel. The best way to travel in summer vacation is to walk.

My preference depends on the purpose of the trip. During the summer vacation, I travel to refresh myself. When to visit the countryside, I walk on a grass covered path with my feet and walk along a river or hill.

I feel disconnected from the noise of the city and closer to nature. When I travel on foot, I can plan my own schedule, I can choose my own route, I can stop where I like, I can see things and people that I may miss. When more and more convenient and fast travel methods appear, I still like to use my own feet.

I get a lot of fun from it. People travel by plane, train, ship, bus Walking is the best way to travel in summer.





标签: 高考 英文 作文 真题 旅行

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