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关于”提高听力“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Improve listening。以下是关于提高听力的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Improve listening

Friends are housewives? What do you do Pain, Simba, everything is our kingdom. Has a good friend of the mythical hero abandoned your feet.







For example, what I have to do in the morning is to let my teachers wake up on time. For example, what I have to do in the university is to set my own alarm clock, which is totally different from my own experience in high school Remind me, so the difference is everywhere, I can easily find that their life change is huge, and wonderful: I have my campus activities rich and colorful, learning English has become my habit, because I plan to study abroad in the next few years, guzheng is my favorite activity, I have been practicing guzheng since I was young, I hope to win in campus life More competitions our school has the first-class equipment and the most experienced teachers, as well as the best students (laughter, I think it's my honor) to have the opportunity to study here, and I sincerely can live a good life in our campus.




标签: 高一 作文 万能

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