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关于”交通事故“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:traffic accident。以下是关于交通事故的八级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:traffic accident

Yesterday morning, I heard a terrible news. My friend Ali was admitted to the hospital because of a car accident the day before yesterday. Ali wanted to buy a book in the bookstore.

He was very careful when he reached the crossroads. When he crossed the road, the traffic lights turned green. When he just got to the middle of the street, a car suddenly appeared on his right hand and drove directly towards him.

The driver drove very fast and had no time to escape Alai was knocked down a few meters away. He was immediately taken to the hospital. He had an operation last night.

I went to see him. Although he had left Danglars street, he was pale.




2:交通事故,In recent years, with the development of private cars, the number of traffic accidents is also increasing, resulting in a large number of property losses, and even a large number of deaths. From my personal point of view, how to avoid traffic accidents has become an important social problem. First, second, the government should take more measures to encourage public transport such as buses and subways, Through television, newspapers and other means, we should educate more citizens to abide by traffic rules.

Third, for the benefit of themselves and others, all drivers should concentrate on and be responsible for the road. In short, only if we all work hard can we hope to reduce the number of traffic accidents from now on.




3:交通事故,One night, there was a traffic accident. Mr. Li drove his wife home from work.

She was a nurse in a hospital. She was very tired and fell asleep soon. Looking at her, Mr.

Li said with a smile that Mr. Li was a careful and experienced driver. He knew that it was safer to drive slowly in the dark night.

After a period of time, he found a car following him. The car was driving fast and suddenly passed his car. The driver was in a hurry.

He didn't see the truck coming to avoid hitting it. He adjusted the car suddenly. It skidded off the road and hit a big tree.

The driver and his passengers were injured. They were badly cut by the windshield. Mr.

Li quickly stopped by the road and his wife got off to rescue the injured. 25 minutes later, the truck driver stopped to help Mr. Li drive to the police.

A police car and an ambulance arrived. The injured were taken to the hospital in an ambulance. The police took down the details of the accident.

Mr. Li and the truck driver told them everything they remembered. The police thank them for their help.

Mr. and Mrs. Li got into the car and went on their way home.






标签: 八级 作文 真题 交通

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