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关于”生勤工俭学的例文“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Examples of students' work study program。以下是关于生勤工俭学的例文的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Examples of students' work study program

Whether the students studying in the school can find a part-time job is a topic under discussion. Some students agree because they think it can help them understand their parents' difficulties, while some people disagree and say it is a waste. In my opinion, a student can find a part-time job before it does not affect his normal study during the day Find a part-time job.

In fact, the benefits of part-time work should be greater than that of part-time work, because part-time work can bring more opportunities for students to contact with the society, at the same time, it also makes students realize the hardship of making money. However, the students who work part-time should not only control the part-time time time, but also pay attention to safety and use part-time income reasonably.




2:,Nowadays, more and more college students participate in work and study in their spare time. Many of them choose to work as tutors or work part-time in the school restaurant or library. Some of them work as part-time delivery man, sales promotion specialist or other similar work.

First of all, making money is the main purpose of many students. They want to reduce their family burden by doing part-time jobs. Secondly, some students take part-time jobs as a part-time job Some students do part-time jobs just for entertainment or time.

In my opinion, college students can benefit a lot from work study. However, those who work part-time should remember that learning is more important than anything else and that they should use part-time income reasonably.






3:生勤工俭学的例文,Nowadays, many famous university campuses have become one of the popular tourist attractions. Every year, thousands of middle school students visit Tsinghua University, Peking University and other famous universities in China. From the perspective of the capital, local students will also visit local famous universities.

As far as the current situation is concerned, open university campuses for tourists Is it good or bad? Different people have different views on a handsome person. They think it is a good thing for students to visit famous universities. On campus, it can make middle school students get more information about the University.

They have enough time and opportunity to prepare themselves for entering the University. On the other hand, handsome people hold a negative attitude towards this phenomenon, believing that public tourism will have a negative impact on the development of universities, because it will not only harm the environment, but also destroy the intellectual atmosphere. I don't think it's a good thing to travel to university.

With the increase of campus tourism, the campus is mainly a learning place, which will destroy the spiritual atmosphere of this learning field.





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