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关于”有关遇见“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:About meeting。以下是关于有关遇见的托福英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About meeting

In order to better summarize the work of this semester and strengthen the communication between the student unions of various departments, our school decided to hold the work summary meeting of the first semester in the afternoon of January 8. The notice of the meeting is as follows: the meeting will be held in the conference room of non office building in the afternoon of January 8. All members of the student union are invited to attend the meeting.

Please bring pens and notebooks to attend the meeting on time.




Hi, how are you doing? I'm fine. What are you up to? I'm going back to England to visit my family B: Oh, is that right? They're fine. Thank you for asking me: did you bring them anything special from China? A: Yes, I brought some of their favorite specialties.

B: that's good. When did you come back? A: I'll be back this morning. B: Oh, you must be tired of jet lag.




Copenhagen is the December of the "year of climate change". World leaders will gather in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, to discuss the first commitment period after the end of the global response to climate change under the Kyoto Protocol, and the way forward in the post Kyoto era, laying the foundation for the implementation of the agreement. Considering the time-consuming operation, if the Copenhagen Protocol cannot At this year's conference of the parties reached a consensus and adopted, then after the Kyoto Protocol commitment period expired, the first world will not jointly issue a document to limit greenhouse gas emissions, which will lead to action to curb global warming.

For this reason, we have suffered major setbacks in air, water, land and food. This meeting is widely regarded as a human being The final opportunity for action to curb global warming will determine the future of mankind and the earth.




标签: 托福 英文 作文 万能 短文

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