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关于”上册期中卷“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Volume I interim volume。以下是关于上册期中卷的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Volume I interim volume

Suddenly, I had an idea. I ran home and turned on my computer. I made a beautiful card and sent it to him through the Internet.

Then I started cooking dinner. When my father came home, he was very happy to find a big meal on the table, and I asked him to check his email. He was surprised to find a beautiful card in the mailbox.

It was a surprise.





I will treat this day as the last day of my life. How should I treat this last precious day? First of all, I will seal up the container of life and prevent drops from falling on the sand. I will not waste a moment mourning yesterday's misfortune, yesterday's failure, yesterday's heartache, because why should I throw sand one by one, can I flow upward in the hourglass It rises where it falls and falls where it rises.

Can I go over yesterday's mistakes and correct them? Can I make yesterday's wound heal? Can I be younger than yesterday? I can take back the evil I've said, the blow I've received, and whether the pain caused by yesterday will be buried forever, and I won't think about it any more.




The Mid Autumn Festival the Mid Autumn Festival is the eighth day of the eighth lunar month. As one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it has been very popular in China. No matter how far or how busy we are, we will try our best to go home to celebrate.

The moon looks the brightest on that night. What we love most is that we enjoy the full moon and the beautiful moon in the sky. We sit together and eat moon cakes and fruits In addition to these traditional activities, we have a wider range of choices, such as travel and visiting relatives and friends.




标签: 高考 作文 万能 上册

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