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Academic dishonesty has become one of the most serious problems in today's education, and academic dishonesty is becoming more and more common. As far as I know, academic dishonesty includes plagiarism, fabrication, cheating, cheating, destruction and academic fraud. In my opinion, there are three main reasons why scientists may cheat in academic discourse.

First, vanity plays an important role in both ordinary people and outstanding people. They all share the same psychological vanity Famous scholars will choose to use academic dishonesty to gain a better reputation. Secondly, academic achievements become the main standard for promotion or salary increase.

Some people may have a fluke mentality, so they choose to cheat everyone, especially their boss will give them what they want. Thirdly, the punishment for academic dishonesty is still too tolerant. Academic dishonesty is very rare, in a word, excellent talents They should set a good example for us by taking advantage of their special status.

In my opinion, some people want to succeed at all costs. Small progress is better than fake breakthrough. Although they may get what they want temporarily through academic dishonesty, they will be notorious if they find cheating.

So I hope everyone should look before you leap.




The purpose of these information is to make people more confused and confused. I partly agree with the author that the huge and useless information sometimes makes people lose their direction and can't think deeply about the problem. It turns out that whether this question is right or wrong has always been a controversial issue.

As for the purpose of education, some people may say that the purpose of education should be to create a learning completely separated from the outside world The academic environment, because, they think, this situation enables students to focus on their academic research work without interference from practical problems. This proposal is harmful to scientific research work. I am here, some of you here think that the purpose of education is to create an academic environment completely isolated from the outside world.

They think that this situation allows students to communicate However, from the actual point of view, this proposal actually does harm to the scientific research work. The author believes that to understand one's own culture, one must at least understand another culture which is obviously different from one's own. As far as I'm concerned, I don't agree with the author.

The author thinks that understanding a different culture can help us really understand our own culture, but I don't agree with this statement.




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