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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone Harry Potter thought he was an ordinary boy until he was rescued by a giant with beetle eyes, entered Hogwarts School of witchcraft and Wizardry, learned to play Quidditch, and fight in a fatal duel. All this is because Harry Potter is a wizard, following Harry Potter's adventure, he found magic, dangerous, unpredictable Hogwarts Harry Potter and Harry Potter, the prisoner of Azkaban, and his friends Ron and Hermione are about to start their third year at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry can't wait to go back to school after the summer vacation (if they live with the Dursleys, they won't), but when Harry arrives at Hogwarts, the atmosphere is tense and there is a fugitive at large, and Azkaban's evil prison guards are called in to guard the school.

Harry Potter book is a rare thing, a series of stories loved by parents and children, and the Daily Telegraph won the Whitbread children's book of the year best Harry Potter and the chamber of Secrets Harry Potter is a wizard who is a sophomore at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and Wizardry. He didn't know it would be as eventful this year as the last Harry Potter and goblet of fire. It's summer vacation.

One night, Harry Potter wakes up with his scars burning. He has a strange dream. Before Ron Weasley's timely invitation arrives, he can't help worrying about one thing: soon Harry will go to the Quidditch World Cup.

He meets Ron and Hermione again, gasping for the excitement of an international Quidditch match, but then something happens Terrible things have cast a shadow on everyone, especially Harry. The world of Hogwarts is complete, in every colorful and hasty detail, the richness and scale of Rowling's invention is exciting, but the real proof of quality lies in JK Rowling's ability to attract readers into Harry's world and make it look credible 'Guardian'.





Spring is the most beautiful and comfortable season of the year. The snow melts the trees, flowers and plants and starts their new life. The river begins to flow.

You can hear the bride's song. Spring is a romantic season. Children go out to play with their partners in the long cold winter.

Summer is the hottest season of the year. People go swimming and drink more water to drive away the unbearable heat Summer is a good season to watch beautiful girls, because they often wear beautiful clothes in summer. Then in autumn, the harvest season of the year, leaves fall from the trees and the weather gets colder and colder.

We have a mid autumn festival. Every family should get together to greet each other. I think we're like leaves coming back to the roots.

Winter is the coldest season of the year. Most of the oceans stop moving and hide in their bodies. When it snows, every place is covered with a white blanket.

Some birds move their homes to the south to find a warm place.




Nelson Mandela, the president of South Africa, tried his best to help black people gain the same rights as white people. He was born near transkey in, and was born in the Youth League of the African National Congress in. He was sent to Robben Island prison for more than 20 years.

When he got out of prison, everything began to turn for the better, Berthe became president of the ANC, and then I thought Nelson Mandela was a brave, selfless and generous man, maybe a friendly people.




标签: 初中 英文 作文 真题

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