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关于”传统的方式“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Traditional way。以下是关于传统的方式的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Traditional way

Recently, we often say that online shopping is better than shopping in stores. But is this really the case? There is no consensus on the idea that online shopping is better than traditional shopping. Some people think that online shopping will replace shopping mall shopping, and stores will disappear in the future.

While others argue that shops can't disappear. It has its own advantages. Most people shop online because it is very square So, there is no need to go out.

As long as they click the mouse, they can buy the goods they want. Online shopping is cheaper than physical stores, and buyers can save a lot of money. But even if coins have two sides, online shopping has advantages and disadvantages.

In recent years, we have seen a lot of news about online cheating. Many buyers complain about the poor quality of goods, which is different from the description, This kind of situation is very rare in traditional shopping stores, because customers can communicate with sellers face-to-face, and buyers can also see the goods intuitively. However, the traditional shopping method is not as convenient as online shopping.

If people encounter traffic jam on the way to shopping, it will affect the happy mood of shopping. In conclusion, online shopping and traditional shopping have their own advantages and disadvantages and can coexist, In the near future, online shopping will not replace traditional shopping.




So far, the application field of modern computer is: intelligent home appliances: all kinds of household appliances generally use intelligent control to replace the traditional electronic circuit control, upgrade and improve the level, such as washing machine, air conditioning, television, video recorder, microwave oven, refrigerator, etc., rice cooker and various audio-visual equipment and other office automation equipment: such as printer, copier, fax machine, plotter, etc Frequent machine, telephone and general computer keyboard decoding, disk drive and other business marketing equipment: in the commercial marketing system has been widely used in electronic scales, registers, electronic notepad, bar code reader, IC card slot, taxi meter and storage safety monitoring system, market security system, air conditioning system, freezing insurance system and other industrial automation control: industrial automation Control is one of the earliest single-chip microcomputer control fields, such as various measurement and control systems, process control, automatic control, and other industrial fields such as chemical industry, construction, metallurgy, mechanical and electrical integration, PLC and other intelligent instruments: the use of intelligent instruments greatly improves the grade of instruments, and enhances the intelligent communication functions such as data processing and storage, fault diagnosis, networking and centralized control. The most prominent product is the mobile phone Of course, there is a product on the SMS chip that seems to be installing some kind of card. As long as the machine is running and the wireless Internet is connected through this card, as long as there is a network, the automobile electronic products can be monitored: Modern Automobile centralized display system, dynamic monitoring and control system, automatic driving system, communication system and operation monitoring (such as black aerospace, national defense and military, precision weapons, etc.) Ball positioning, intelligent navigation icplc, etc.).




Traditional teaching method does your teacher still teach you in the traditional way? In the past, we only took it for granted that the purpose of a teacher was to teach students everything he knew and to solve all their problems. In this case, students could not judge things independently and gradually lost the ability of self-study. In addition, they have only mastered the knowledge taught them in the classroom, and will make the same judgment on the problems that will naturally arise.

They will find that their knowledge is not enough to solve the practical problems, so it is time to change the teaching methods. The goal of teachers is not only to help students develop the ability of self-study, but also to develop their ability to judge in all aspects. Students do not have to ask for help from their teachers.

When they encounter difficulties, they should first cultivate their ability to correctly judge and overcome difficulties. In a word, the purpose of teaching is to liberate, not to bind, students' innate judgment ability.





标签: 英文 高分 九年级 作文 传统

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