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1: According to Marvel's superhero character, this is a story about Peter Parker, a nerd high school student who was orphaned as a child, bullied by athletes, and can't admit that he likes his amazing neighborhood girl, Mary Jane Watson, who says his life is "miserable" and understatement, but one day, on a trip to the lab, a Only out of control radioactive spider bit him, his life has changed, which is no one can imagine, Peter has a strong physique, clear vision and the ability to adhere to the surface, climb over the wall, from the wrist to shoot a spider web, but the fun will not last, a strange millionaire Norman Osborne (William Duffy) gave himself a kind of enhancement The Green Goblin appeared. Now Peter Parker must become spider man and take the green goblin to complete the task, or the goblin will be killed. They face to face, the war begins, and only one person can survive.

A strange thing happened in the life of Peter Parker, a senior high school student in shudaizi, who was genetically modified After the spider bit, his body chemical composition had a mutation, he can now climb the wall and ceiling, superman power and super fast reaction, he developed a premonition, in the name of Spiderman warned him of the coming danger, Peter for the first time to use his newly discovered power to make money, but after his uncle was murdered by a criminal, Peter failed to stop it, he vowed to use it from himself Norman Osborne, a scientist and businessman, has developed another personality after being exposed to an experimental nerve gas: the super strong, psychotic Green Goblin Peter Parker now has to deal with three things in his life: his new job in a local newspaper; he is an employer who will always be marginalized He fought against the evil Green Goblin, and he fought with his best friend, Norman Osborne's son Harry Osborne, in order to win the love of beautiful classmate Mary Jane Watson. Was the challenge too great to cope with even hammer 2 Farr's "the magic Spider Man".


1: 根据惊奇漫画公司的超级英雄角色,这是一个关于彼得·帕克的故事,他是一个书呆子高中生,他小时候就成了孤儿,被运动员欺负,也不能承认他喜欢他的惊人邻里女孩玛丽简沃森说他的生活是“悲惨的”是轻描淡写的,但有一天,在一次去实验室的远足中,一只失控的放射性蜘蛛咬了他,他的生活发生了变化,这是没人能想象到的,彼得拥有强健的体魄、清晰的视力和坚持的能力浮出水面,爬过墙壁,从手腕上射出蛛网,但乐趣不会持续下去,一个古怪的百万富翁诺曼奥斯本(威廉·达福饰)给自己服用了一种提高性能的药物,他疯狂的另一个自我——绿色妖精出现了,现在彼得·帕克必须成为蜘蛛侠,带着绿妖精去完成任务,否则妖精就会被杀死他们面对面,战争开始了,最后只有一个人能活下来,书呆子高中生彼得·帕克的生活中发生了一件相当奇怪的事情:被一只转基因蜘蛛咬了之后,他的身体化学成分发生了突变,他现在可以爬上墙壁和天花板了超人的力量和超快的反应,他发展出一种预感,以蜘蛛侠的名字警告他危险的来临,彼得第一次利用他新发现的力量赚钱,但在他叔叔被一个罪犯谋杀后,彼得没能阻止,他发誓要用自己的力量与杀死他叔叔的邪恶势力作斗争,科学家和商人诺曼·奥斯本在接触了一种实验性的神经毒气后,自己也发展出了另一种个性:超级强壮、精神病的绿妖精彼得·帕克现在必须在他的生活中处理三件事:他在当地一家报纸的新工作他是一个永远边缘化的雇主,他与邪恶的绿色妖精的斗争,他为了赢得漂亮同学玛丽·简·沃森的喜爱而与他最好的朋友诺曼·奥斯本的儿子哈里·奥斯本,是不是这个挑战太大了,连哈默2法尔写的《神奇的蜘蛛侠》都无法应付。


A great adaptation of a comic book on the big screen makes you feel the embarrassment of Peter Parker as a teenager, and his transformation to become spider man. The love story between Parker / Spiderman and Jordan reminds you of the relationship between Superman and Lois Lane, and you are the secret of the audience. I hope MJ can understand that most of the special effects are good, but there are The scenes of spider man flying across the street on his Internet seem a bit fake, but it does remind me of a lot of comic book animations.

I think comic book style action adventure fans will find this film very interesting. I think Defoe is especially unforgettable in all the performances. He plays a good man / ruthless businessman and turns into a villain.




Two years ago, I watched a horror movie. In the movie, the spider became a monster and ate people. From then on, I saw spiders.

I was very afraid of spiders. I would cry and try to escape. My parents explained to me that spiders would not become monsters in real life.

The movie was not real at all, but one day I was still afraid of spiders. My father took out one There is a spider in the bottle. He told me that a spider is just a small animal.

It can weave a web. I looked at the animal carefully and found that the spider was so cute that I was no longer afraid of spiders.




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