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关于”我的真爱“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:My true love。以下是关于我的真爱的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My true love

Once, I had a friend who was very close to me. Once we were sitting on the edge of a swimming pool, she put a little water in her palm, held it in front of me, and said to me, "you see, I have water in my hand carefully. It symbolizes love.

As long as you open your hand and let it stay there, it is always there, but if you try to hold it tightly with your fingers, it will start from the first Overflow in the crack. It finds that this is the biggest mistake people make when they encounter love. They try to possess it, they ask, they expect, just like water overflows from your hand.

Love will be taken back from you for love. It is free, you can't change its essence 13ifyou have someone you love, allow them to exist freely, don't expect advice from others, but don't command, don't ask, that sounds good It's very simple, but it's a lesson. It may take a lifetime to practice it.

It's the secret of true love. To really practice it, you must sincerely feel that the person you love has no expectation, but an unconditional concern.


有一次,我有一个朋友和我很亲近,有一次我们坐在游泳池边上,她把一点水放在手掌心,拿在我面前,对我说:“你看,我手上小心地盛着水,它象征着爱,只要你把手张开,让它留在那里,它总是在那里,但是如果你试图用你的手指紧紧地抓住它,它会从第一道裂缝中溢出。它发现这是人们遇到爱时最大的错误,他们试图占有它,他们要求,他们期待,就像水从你手中溢出一样,爱会为了爱从你手中夺回是自由的,你不能改变它的本质 如果你有你爱的人,允许他们自由的存在,不要期待别人的建议,但是不要命令,不要要求,这听起来很简单,但这是一个教训,可能需要一辈子的时间去实践它是真爱的秘诀,去真正地去实践它,你必须诚恳地感受到你所爱的人没有期望,而是一种无条件的关心。


Once, I had a friend who was very close to me. Once we were sitting on the edge of a swimming pool, she put a little water in her palm, held it in front of me, and said, "you see the water in my hand carefully, it symbolizes love, as long as you open your hand and let it stay there, it is always there. However, if you try to hold it tightly with your fingers, try to If you have someone you love, you can't change its nature and allow them to give freely without expecting other people's advice, but no To order others to ask, but never ask for it, it sounds simple, but it is a lesson.

It may take a lifetime to really practice it. It is the secret of true love. To really practice it, you must sincerely feel that the person you love has no expectation, but an unconditional care.




The grandfather of the famous German composer Moses Mendelssohn was short and not handsome. He had a grotesque hump. One day, he visited a businessman in Hamburg.

He had a lovely daughter named frumger. Moses fell hopelessly in love with her, but when he left, he was ostracized by his deformed appearance. Moses summoned up the courage to climb the stairs to her room to take the last chance to talk to her.

She saw the beauty of the sky, but after several conversations, she refused to see him, which made him deeply sad. "Do you believe that marriage was made in heaven?" asked Moses shyly "Yes," she replied, still looking at the floor, "would you like to?" "Yes, I will," he replied, "you see, in heaven, when every boy is born, God will announce which girl he will marry when I am born, and my future bride is pointed out to me, and then God adds," but your wife will be hunchback. "Just then, I was there and I said," Oh God, a hunchback woman will be a tragedy, God, give me the hump and make her beautiful.

" Then frumger looked up into his eyes, moved by some deep memory, she reached out and gave her hand to Mendelssohn, who became his faithful wife.





标签: 初二 英文 作文 万能

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