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关于”我想了解美国学生的校园生活“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:I want to know about the campus life of American students。以下是关于我想了解美国学生的校园生活的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I want to know about the campus life of American students

School life in the United States is very dangerous. You never know the person you just talked to has a gun in his pocket. You never know whether your classmate is a drug dealer or a gangster.

If you smoke or act like a jerk, it is a sign of "cool" for Chinese students. For American students, alcohol or drugs are a sign of "cool". You may have seen a group fight in your school, but you I don't know what a gun fight is like.

However, American students like sports. If you ask a student who is good at math or English, he or she mostly doesn't know. If you ask them who is the best football, basketball or baseball player, you will get the answer immediately.

In the United States, girls like playing football and going to the gym. Chinese students only like sports they are good at. They don't like to play sports they are not good at.

Chinese girls hardly do sports They hate sweating. They don't think sports have anything to do with their good students. Chinese studies make themselves more familiar with more types of problems by doing homework and extra practice.

In the United States, a good student is more likely to go to the library to read books they are interested in. They often like to do a group project or research paper. They think it is a better way to do it It's more fun to show problem solving skills and solve real problems.




I'm honored to be here to tell you something about school life in the United States. Almost all students go to school on foot or by bus, hardly by bike. Most students have Ruth at school, and they don't take a nap after lunch.

After school, students want to play basketball, play football, swim or choose other activities to relax themselves. You can see in America School life is easy.




Many students go to school by yellow bus or on foot, while a few go to school by bike. They usually have lunch at school. They don't eat outside school during school.

After lunch, they don't rest. Class ends at about one o'clock. They play basketball, play football and swim in their free time.

They hold four ball games a year.




标签: 初中 英文 作文 真题 校园

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