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关于”我爱我的妈妈“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:I love my mother。以下是关于我爱我的妈妈的高一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I love my mother

A few years ago, the family, had a small room? It, yes, three people, in the same room. Now, a new apartment, one living room, two bedrooms happy, my homework, quiet, my own room, my parents a few years ago, my family had only one small room, it was difficult for three people to live in the same room. Now we move into a new apartment living room and two bedrooms.

I am very happy that when my parents do housework or other things I love my family, I can be in the Do your homework quietly in your room.


几年前,一家人,有一个小房间吗?它,是,三个人,在同一个房间里。现在,一个新的公寓一个客厅,两个卧室 快乐,我的家庭作业,安静,我自己的房间,我的父母 几年前,我家只有一个小房间,三个人住同一个房间很难,现在我们搬进了一个新的公寓客厅和两间卧室我很高兴当我父母做家务或其他我爱我家的事情时,我可以在自己的房间里安静地做作业。


(I love my mother) my mother is of medium build, of medium build. My mother has beautiful long brown curly hair. My mother is a teacher.

She teaches math. My mother likes reading and sports. She often reads after supper.

My mother likes Harry Potter very much. I like Harry Potter. My mother often does sports in the morning.

She often plays hula hoops. She thinks hula hoops can help Help her keep healthy. My mother takes care of her health.

She often eats milk and eggs for breakfast. She says breakfast is very important. I love my mother.




My father goes to work by subway every day. He teaches mathematics at school. He is good at math in the afternoon.

After lunch, he has lunch at school. He reads newspapers and goes home for dinner. In the evening, he takes a bath.

After watching TV, he watches TV in the living room. He goes to bed. My father works hard and I like my father very much.




标签: 大学 高一 高分 作文 妈妈

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