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关于”描写四季的语“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Language describing the four seasons。以下是关于描写四季的语的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Language describing the four seasons

Everyone has their favorite season. One person loves spring the most, the other loves winter. People who like summer may enjoy ice cream because of the hot weather, while fans of autumn may like the floating leaves in the sky.

For me, I also love the four seasons. I don't know which one I love best, because they all have special reasons to make me like spring is a celebration Good season for rebirth and a new life. When spring comes, everything looks so vibrant.

Grass comes out of the land, branches grow new leaves, and colorful flowers appear everywhere. All these beautiful sceneries are inspiring. And the summer of rebirth is a magnificent season.

It brings us warmth. Let's wave it and release our passion. Summer is a beautiful season A vibrant season always gives people the motivation to do something.

They think that in summer, swimming and surfing are more interesting, and ice cream tastes more delicious. Autumn is the harvest season. Chrysanthemums in autumn confide in each other.

Autumn is the only season in China where leaves can be seen flying. The most important day for Chinese people is autumn A festival for family reunion, family reunion. It's a sad and cold season, but in winter, a warm, warm house can make you feel comfortable, which is the only charm other seasons don't have.

On a cold day, nothing is bigger than a bowl of hot soup. Moreover, we can make snowmen and snow in winter. Every season has its own lovely charm, and I love them all.





There are three months in each season. The weather in one season is different from other seasons. The life cycle of plants is controlled by seasons.

The first season is spring. Three months are March. April and may are warm and sunny.

All plants are revived. Animals are awake from hibernation. Farmers should be prepared for their fields.

The second season is summer. Three It's June, July and August. It's very hot and often rains.

People can go swimming and sightseeing. This is the season for all things to grow. The third season is autumn.

These three months are September, October and November. The weather became cool and the cool leaves began to fall to the ground. This is the harvest season for farmers.

The fourth season is winter. December, January and February are the three months of that season. The weather is very cold and most plants will die at that time.

Sometimes it snows, people can enjoy the fun of skating and skiing, but winter will not be with us for a long time, because spring will come again soon.






There are four seasons in a year. Spring is a beautiful season. Everything is green.

The grass is green. The leaves are green. In spring, I can pick flowers.

I can eat apples. I can travel by train. I can fly kites in the sky.

Summer is a hot season. I like this summer. I can eat ice cream.

I can play on the beach I can swim in the sea. I can surf in the waves. I can eat watermelon.

Autumn is a yellow season. It's not hot or cold in autumn. I can eat oranges.

I can see yellow leaves and yellow grass. I can go camping in the forest. I can have a picnic in the jungle.

Winter is a cold season. Everything is white. Trees are white.

Mountains are white. Houses are white. Roads are white The buildings in winter are white.

I can ski on the mountains. I can skate on the river. I can make snowmen.

I can run on the snow. I like these four seasons. Do you like these four seasons.




标签: 英文 八年级 作文 万能 四季

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