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关于”海洋污染的解决措施“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Solutions to marine pollution。以下是关于海洋污染的解决措施的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Solutions to marine pollution

Explanation: for this part, you can write a composition on the following topic in a few minutes: pollution: China's growing concern. You should at least write an article in Chinese according to the outline below. The world means that it is time for us to take measures to control the situation.

Many factors are aggravating the situation: industrial waste is being discharged into the air, lakes and rivers, more and more cars are crowding into the streets, the widespread use of plastic bags and so on. In my opinion, stricter laws and regulations must impose heavy penalties on the polluting industries that discharge waste without permission, equip them with cars, minimize the emissions into the air, and prohibit the use of plastic bags and disposable lunch boxes. The media should play an important role in instilling environmental awareness into people.

If everyone works towards the common goal of improving the environment, we can do it for me We and the next generation create a cleaner, more lovely world.




The ocean is closely related to us in the ocean. There are all kinds of marine life, such as whales, corals and jellyfish. They make the ocean colorful.

However, in recent decades, the pollution of the sea has become increasingly serious, and many cruel people wantonly kill marine animals, which makes the survival of marine animals threatened. We must take action to protect them, and we must take care of them, Protecting them starts with yourself. Tell people around you to join in the protection of marine animals.

Protecting them is protecting ourselves, because we live in the same home.




Environmental pollution is a serious social problem. It poses a serious threat to human health. The air is filled with dust and burning oil.

There is black smoke in the chimney. Many vehicles emit suffocating smoke. Stay in the big city for a while, and then wipe your forehead with a handkerchief.

It is black. You will have to wash your clothes again Garbage is piled up in unhygienic piles, attracting flies and emitting odor. It is not limited to the air and land.

A large amount of sewage and chemical waste are dumped into rivers, lakes and oceans every day. The noise of millions of fish emitted by car horns, machine booms and radio horns can make people nervous and irritable, and even drive people crazy. Environmental pollution is the main cause of disability or death of many diseases.

Let us take good care of our mother earth, not only for our own well-being, but also for the well-being of our future generations.




标签: 初三 英文 作文 真题

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