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关于”酒店管理“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:hotel management。以下是关于酒店管理的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:hotel management

Hotel management is an academic study of the hotel industry. The degree in hotel management is usually awarded by a university college specializing in hotel management or a business school with a department of hotel management. A degree in hotel management, also known as a degree in hotel management, hotel and tourism management or hotel management, includes a Bachelor of Arts degree, a Bachelor of Business Administration degree, a Bachelor of Science degree, a master of Science degree, a master of Business Administration degree, and a doctor of philosophy degree.




Responsible for the establishment of employee files, assistance in recruitment and internal training, attendance management and statistics, file management and statistics management of all kinds of documents, arrangement of various meetings, assistance in handling personnel procedures such as entry, resignation, contract, etc., assist the general supervisor of human resources to arrange and implement the personnel work, assess the performance of employees, and inspect the employees at the end of the year Participate in the implementation of the company's management system, improve the management system, reduce office and business processes.




The hotel industry is known as the people-centered industry. The success and failure of its management revolve around the management of people, especially the interaction between guests and employees. There is an indicator that recognizes the success or failure of these organizations, and the high level of skills and training of employees working in such an industry is very important.

Hotel management education curriculum is not only a career choice, but also a fruitful experience. This is obvious if you consider the wide range of topics that students learn from the front desk in hotel projects, although the diverse themes of accounting management, catering, marketing, human resources and tourism make the learning process of a diploma or degree in hotel management a useful experience. Students attending these courses are not only eligible, but also have access to a wide range of knowledge in different disciplines.





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