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关于”地铁文明“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Subway civilization。以下是关于地铁文明的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Subway civilization

Last week, my friend and I went to Guangzhou. We were very excited about the trip. At first, it took us three hours to get to the Guangzhou railway station.

We were very confused about how to get out of the station. Then we saw a big sign, which showed that when we took the subway, we arrived at the subway station. A big picture showed us in front of us.

We found it in the subway very quickly We counted the time. We never thought it would be so fast. We only took 10 minutes to get to the destination.

We soon found that our hotel subway was very convenient. We didn't need to get out of the railway station. We just needed to find out what else was left at the subway entrance.

It was very fast. Unlike the public bus, it would bypass many roads. The subway only took a straight line.




Changsha will build subway line 2 before the national day. It will be completed many years ago. Although Changsha is a big city, it is not a modern city.

It has many problems before. Changsha has a very rapid development. The subway is a signal of the sofa exhibition.

The subway is not only a symbol of urban modernization, but also a very fast, safe and timely delivery of people to somewhere To a certain extent, it has solved the traffic problems in Changsha. The most important thing is that it can maximize the use of land resources and reduce fuel resources. The construction of Metro Line 2 is good news for Changsha people.

Let's enjoy the subway travel together.




Politeness is a good tradition in our country. It is very important for us that no one likes impolite people. We should be a polite student.

A polite student. If we have problems, we should not talk in class. We should raise our hands.

We shouldn't talk loudly between classes. I think it's impolite to be late. We should not laugh at people when they are in trouble.

We should always say "please.". If everyone is more and more polite to the world.





标签: 五年级 作文 真题 年级 文明

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