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关于”造成水污染“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Cause water pollution。以下是关于造成水污染的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Cause water pollution

Today, I read a news report in China Daily, which reported that water pollution not only exists in Haihe River, but also in some other rivers, lakes and oceans in China. We all think that water pollution is a serious problem in today's rivers. Lakes and even oceans all over the world are polluted by garbage and dangerous chemicals.

Oil and other chemicals will kill fish and make water unsafe. Polluted water is a kind of harm to everyone. Now more and more people have realized how serious this problem is.

Our government is doing its best Try our best to take measures to combat pollution. We have done a lot of work, but there is still a long way to go. We must continue to fight until we find a way to protect the environment from pollution and eliminate pollution.

We are sure that we will win the battle again, water pollution.




Swimming, because there are many diseases in the water in many places, it is not safe to eat fish. Lakes have the same problem. Lake Baikal in Asia used to be the cleanest Lake in the world.

Now there are many kinds of plants and animals. But the water area of this lake is also the deepest in the world (more than meters are polluted by the waste from a chemical factory of an oil tanker. The tanker ran into a reef off the northwest coast of Alaska, and tons of oil poured into the sea.

The accident is one of the most serious in history, with more than a few square kilometers of the sea polluted by the death of birds and animals.





Last Sunday, my father and I went fishing along a river. We found that the river was so dirty that we could hardly fish in it. Many factories along the river always pour waste water and garbage directly into the river, which pollutes the river and kills most of the fish in the river.

The government is doing its best to fight against pollution. We hope that the water in every river will become cleaner and cleaner soon.





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