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Once upon a time, the colors of the world began to quarrel, claiming that they were the best green. "Obviously, I was the most important one. I was the symbol of life and hope.

I was chosen as the grass and leaves. Looking around the country, you will find that I am the majority." blue interrupted: "you only want to go to the earth, but think about the sky and the ocean. Water is the foundation of life.

Without my serenity, the sky gives me space, peace and tranquility, you are nothing. " Huang said with a smile: "the sun is yellow, the moon is yellow, and the stars are yellow. Every time you look at sunflowers, the whole world starts to smile.

Without me, there will be no fun." orange continued: "I carry the most important vitamins. When I think of carrots, oranges and mangoes at sunrise or sunset, my beauty is so striking As for no one to think about any of you again, "Rhett couldn't stand it any more, and he yelled," I'm the ruler. " Among all of you, I am the blood, the blood of life, I infuse the fire into the blood, I am the color of passion and love.

"Purple is very tall and speaks with great dignity:" I am the color of royalty and power. Kings, chiefs and bishops always choose me because I am a sign of authority and wisdom. People don't question me.

They listen and obey. "" finally, indigo talks more quietly than others "Think of me, I am the color of silence, I represent thought and reflection, twilight and deep water, you need me to balance and contrast, pray and inner peace", so these colors continue to quarrel, each color suddenly convinced of its own superiority, an earth shaking lightning, thundering rain began to pour, began to speak Don't you stupid colors know that each of you is born for a special purpose "According to what they said, hand in hand, United rain continued:" from now on, when it rains, everyone, you will stretch out into a huge rainbow in the sky, reminding you that you can all live in peace. The rainbow is a symbol of hope for tomorrow.





,,,,,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The last parting of the lovers in the pavilion is the deepest regret of Acacia. The tears are saturated with tears. Happiness dances in the flowers, and happiness is holy and joyful in suffering.

Eternal reunion returns the true lovers::::: here green grass, flowers bloom among butterflies, and the voice of wandering love is Shanbai aiyingtaibo's dependence For many years, we lived by each other without any doubt. Who knows that was the last time we met. Hatred melted in the sea.

We no longer meet, tears become wings, bodies turn into butterflies and dance like long. We will always be together.




A suspicious story about two avid fishermen on a fishing trip. They rented all the equipment: reels, fishing rods, wading suits, rowing boats, cars, even cabins in the woods. They spent a lot of money on the first day, but they couldn't catch anything the next day.

On the last day of their holiday, one of the men was driving back A fish was caught on the way home, and they were very upset. One man turned to the other and said, "do you know that this rotten fish we caught cost US $1500?" The other said, "Wow, it's good we didn't catch any more.".




标签: 三年级 作文 万能 故事 年级

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