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关于”十篇介绍电影“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Ten introductory films。以下是关于十篇介绍电影的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ten introductory films

Chris Gardner's pursuit of happiness: "Ross: Ross: believe that the walls you want are interesting. First you hate them, then you get used to them, and you depend on them. This is" institutionalized "and" Andy and Andy:: "Andy Miranda Andy Miranda Andy Andy Andy Andy Andy Andy Andy Andy Andy Andy.




I remember the autumn lake very clearly. When the story happened, the leaves of autumn fell on the ground and covered the lake. We used to swim like children.

Under the sunshine, we were very happy. I usually thought we were, but the fact is that you have been eager to leave me. You have no courage to tell me that on that precious night, looking at the lake water, you said: ours The love story is coming to an end.

The rain is killing the last few days of summer. You killed my last breath of love a long time ago. I still don't think I will experience another love story.

You take it away from me. I stand there, I know I will be the abandoned one, but I am still looking at the lake, vaguely conscious, I know my life is coming to an end Now, you are listening to faith radio just to relax. I am the autumn of faith lake.

When I first heard the name of this story, I knew that I would love it. This is me, a sentimental woman. Love is beautiful.

It can easily lose all the people who are looking for love, or those who are already in love. Cherish your love.




Film is a kind of modern art developed by combining activity and slide art with neuroscience. It can accommodate the comprehensive art of literature, drama, photography, painting, music, dance and art. However, it also has the artistic characteristics of loneliness.

Film not only has a variety of other artistic features in artistic expression, but also can use montage's powerful artistic skills It has become the artistic expression of the film beyond all other means.




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