
作者:用户投稿 阅读:2020 点赞:0


关于”曹冲称象“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Cao Chong said elephant。以下是关于曹冲称象的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Cao Chong said elephant

Cao Cao was very happy to receive an elephant as a gift. He wanted to know how heavy the elephant was, but he didn't have a big enough scale. One day, Cao Chong told his father that he would try to weigh the elephant.

Cao Chong asked a man to lead the elephant to a boat. The boat stopped. The man took the elephant away and drew a line on one side of the boat.

Cao Chong asked several people to put stones into the boat until the water reached the line. Cao Chong asked people to weigh every stone on the boat, and then add up the numbers. We knew the weight of the elephant.

Cao Chong said to his father with a kind of pride.




From a very young age, he was famous for his ridicule. When he grew up to, his intelligence was equal to that of an adult. Quan sent an elephant here.

Cao Cao wanted to know the weight they wanted to approach, but no one could make a suggestion. So, Zhuang said, we can lead the elephant to the boat, mark the water, and replace the elephant with something else. We can know the weight of an elephant by weighing it on a boat.




By the time Cao Chong Long was five or six years old, his knowledge and judgment ability had reached the level of that of an adult (for example, once, an adult sent Sun Quan as a giant. Since Cao Cao wanted to know its weight, he could not say that Cao Chong said: "like the great man on the chessboard, the water reached the local geographical indication, and let the ship carry other things (when the water reached the level of the giant), he could not say that he was a giant When we say these words at a predetermined time, we can see that "Cao Cao was very happy after listening to it and did it as soon as he had a way.".




标签: 小学 作文 真题 简短

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