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关于”导盲犬对盲人有很大的帮助“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Guide dogs are of great help to the blind。以下是关于导盲犬对盲人有很大的帮助的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Guide dogs are of great help to the blind

Guide dog is a kind of guide dog specially trained for blind people. It must show good temperament, intelligence, physical quality and sense of responsibility when it is 14 months old. The guide dog begins a 3-5-month intensive training course.

It is used to leather and stiff. When guiding its blind owner, it will wear epithelial handle. The dog has learned to observe traffic and cross the road safely.

It has also learned to obey "forward", "left", "right" and "sit" orders, and disobey any order that may lead to danger for its owner. The most important part of the training course is a four week course in which dogs and their future owners learn to cooperate. However, many blind people are not suitable for working with dogs.

Only one in ten blind people find a useful guide dog o (∩) O.





Every October is Baiteng safety day, which is undoubtedly a festival for the blind. It reminds people to care about the blind. When you meet the blind, I want to ask you, have you ever helped them, some people are born blind, some people are victims of accidents, they are different from our normal people, their life color is black, no light, can you imagine the life of blind people? They need help to live better and love to warm their hearts.

Guide dog is a good way to express our concern for them, but when we see a blind person, for example, when we see a blind person crossing the road, we should reach out our hand when they drop something, we should help them pick up initiative and help people in need is our traditional Chinese virtue, let us constantly enhance our meaning To help the blind create a world full of love.




Today, I saw an encouraging news that the guide dog can get on the bus. We all pay close attention to the news. Most people agree with this policy.

They think that the guide dog boarding is reasonable, which means taking special care of the blind. Few people are worried that the dog will bite the passengers or the passengers will crowd the dogs. I have read many stories about guide dogs, and they are very loyal The story moved me, and now the public is happy with the news.

They are willing to make way for the blind and their dogs.




标签: 高三 作文 万能

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