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关于”下雨的一天“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:A rainy day。以下是关于下雨的一天的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A rainy day

This morning, I woke up with a start: my alarm clock alarm, reluctantly opened my eyes, I found that it has always been empty, the room is very dark, because it is raining outside, what a cold day, if I can lie in bed all day in the sound of rain, reading a favorite book, that would be so comfortable. However, I still had to go to work. It was rush hour, and there were fewer people on the road than usual.

Many people were struggling with umbrellas. The umbrella was always blown down by the wind. Fortunately, I was wearing a raincoat a few yards away.

A policeman was directing traffic in the rain. I have full respect for his serious attitude. I thought about today's plan for a while, and then my busy day in the office began.




It's too hot in summer. It hasn't rained for more than a month. The air is very stuffy.

But today, the rain finally comes. When I see the dark clouds, I'm glad it's so cool. When the wind blows, the rain stops on my face, and I go out of the house to breathe fresh air.

What a comfortable day.




I like rainy days, like the continuous drizzle moistening everything. When I walk alone in a quiet street, I feel the rain falling on me. Suddenly, I feel the rain of nature.

With plants from the breath, they carry high greetings to the mountains in the distance. On rainy days, the world seems to be very quiet. This is our idea and idea.




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