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关于”介绍老舍“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Introduce Lao She。以下是关于介绍老舍的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce Lao She

Laoshe's house is a teahouse named by the people's artists Mr. Lao She and Mr. William.

It is built in an ancient and Beijing flavor environment. Guests can enjoy from opera, drama and other celebrities to wonderful performances every day, and can use all kinds of commodities, tea, boutiques and Beijing snacks in the palace season. Since its opening, Laoshe has received many famous Chinese and foreign celebrities and enjoyed them all over the world April Lien Chan and his wife, who have a high reputation, led the Chinese Kuomintang delegation to have Lao she play in a tea house to drink wine.




LaoShe Teahouse is an exciting cultural place in the front door. It is named after the Chinese writer Lao She's drama Teahouse. Although Lao She tried the taste of Beijing teahouse in Lao She's time, it has become a wonderful entertainment place with comedians and singers' short plays.

In short, musicians, acrobats and opera actors can enjoy tea while enjoying it With the kaleidoscopic scenery of Beijing culture, he offers tea and dinner in another area separately, and the food price is reasonable. The adjacent rooms display works of art such as paintings, paper cuts, figurines, and antique kite jade carvings. He is a Manchu descendant and the author of Camel Xiangzi, which is very popular in the United States.

Lao She is a visiting professor and taught Chinese at Oriental College of London University in his early years "Teahouse" shows his language talent for Beijing dialect. Although he has a special love for China, he is also famous for depicting customers drinking tea and chatting with birdcage and pipe. He was forced by the gang of four to drown and commit suicide.

He recovered after his death, and all his works can be found. His wife, Hu Jieqing, is a close friend of Professor Pei and the website of Laoshe, an accomplished painter. Yin Shengxi, the owner of the wwwlaoaoorg / Lao / lifehtml Laoshe Tea House, is a student of Qi Baishi's son, one of the best contemporary painters in China.

Therefore, the bust of Lao She and Qi Baishi can be seen at the door of the teahouse. The website is wwwlaosheteahou http://wwwlaosheteahousecom/http ://wwwchinapagecom/friend/goh/beijing/laoshe/laoshehtml.





The teahouse story written by Lao she happened in the Qing Dynasty. It lasted until the end of the Anti Japanese war. It took place in a teahouse in old Beijing.

It told us the story of Wang Lifa and his customers. At the end of the story, Wang Lifa lost his teahouse and died. This drama shows us the life in old Beijing.




标签: 高分 八年级 作文 介绍 年级

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