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关于”体育运动的好处“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Benefits of sports。以下是关于体育运动的好处的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Benefits of sports

Positive and negative aspects of sports) a B C (positive and negative aspects of sports) a B C sports are good for us in many aspects (needless to say, in collective sports such as basketball, volleyball or football, exercise can enhance our physical strength. While participating in sports competitions, we will realize the importance of cooperation. We will try our best to win the competition and stimulate our competitive spirit.

Sports can also help us relax after a period of tiredness However, as the saying goes, "everything has two sides". Sports are without exception. If we are not careful when participating in sports activities, we may hurt other athletes or ourselves.

Moreover, excessive or intense training can damage our health. I take part in sports and tell me that sports can make us physically and mentally healthy, which is also a good way. As long as we are careful enough, understand each other, and promote the friendship between people, sports are of no use to us except good sports.


体育的积极和消极方面)a b c(体育的积极和消极方面)a b c体育运动在许多方面对我们有好处(不用说,在篮球、排球或足球等集体运动中,锻炼可以增强我们的体力,在参加体育比赛的同时,我们会认识到合作的重要性,我们会尽力去赢得比赛,激发自己的竞技精神体育运动也可以帮助我们在一段时间的劳累之后放松下来,然而俗话说,“凡事都有两面性”,体育运动是无一例外的,如果我们在参加体育活动时不够小心,我们可能会伤害到其他运动员或我们自己。而且,过度或剧烈的训练会损害我们的健康。我参加体育运动告诉我,体育运动可以使我们身心健康,这也是一种很好的方式只要我们足够小心,互相了解,能增进人们之间的友谊,体育除了好运动之外,对我们没什么用。


Dispelling worries, refreshing and annoying is the best antidote for exercise and weight loss and insulin resistance. Walking at an active pace for one hour every day can reduce the incidence rate of diabetes by half. A new Harvard University study also shows that inactivity is as important a risk factor for stroke as smoking or hypertension, and moderate exercise can almost halve the risk of stroke in men.

8% vitamin E can enhance the ability of bone to bear the load, slow down osteoporosis; enhance the bone bearing capacity, slow down osteoporosis; in terms of maintaining muscle strength, it can also slow down bone decalcification and osteoporosis.




标签: 高二 英文 作文 万能 体育

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