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关于”植树节的通知“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Arbor day notice。以下是关于植树节的通知的专八英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Arbor day notice

In China, tree planting day is a special day in March. People can plant a lot of trees. If we plant more trees, we must also take care of the trees by watering them until they thrive in different countries.

Tree planting day is on different days, like in India, tree planting day is in July. All these actions show that people should pay more attention to the environment, We want to make the environment better, don't we? We have to plant more trees to protect the environment.




When it comes to arbor day, we all know that it is a day to call on people to plant more trees and stop cutting down trees blindly. But few people know the story behind the tree planting day. Tree planting day is to commemorate Dr.

Sun Yat Sen. in the year when he promulgated the tree planting day, he always attached great importance to the first forest law in the history of afforestation. Later, the government and the people began to plant trees in the spring on March.

Dr. Sun Yat Sen died. In order to commemorate his great contribution to the country, the government decided to celebrate this day every year as tree planting day, and the slogan of tree planting day was to embrace spring God, planting green trees is so important to our planet that naturalists compare trees to human lungs.

In fact, trees absorb carbon dioxide and other toxic gases and release oxygen, which is the basis of life. If all the trees are cut down, the earth will be a disaster first, the temperature will rise, and then the glacier. In this way, the cities near the ocean will be flooded.

Trees are the habitat of many animals. When we cut down trees, we not only destroy the habitats of animals, but also gradually destroy the natural connections. Finally, but also important, trees can prevent them Soil erosion is the key to keep balance.

Trees are so important. After 89 years, we still admire Mr. Sun's foresight and wisdom.

He knows that planting trees and protecting the environment are the foundation of developing a rich and strong country..





Every March, our school has a special activity that we need to plant trees on campus. We are very happy to see trees growing every day. The trees I planted last year are very high now.

I am very proud to see them grow. I have contributed to the green and environmental protection of the world.




标签: 专八 作文 真题 通知 范文

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